What are your go to meals?
Went from 79 kg down to 74kg in a month, still get severely bloated. I find it hard to believe the scales sometimes. Are there are any good ways to stop bloating? My stomach looks borderline pregnant when I push it out.
Wormphlegm - Tomb of Ancient King one of my favorites from when i was just a wee doom lad, so raw, so filthy
Shudder Officially Announces 'V/H/S/8' for 2025 Release!
I think the storyline with Lana Milford might be the worst of season 2's bad section.
What’s your favorite Gordon Cole line?
Just wondering how many twin peaks fans here aren't American? I'm personally British and I feel like a huge majority of TP fans are American.
One of the most monumental photos to me, 3 absolute legends
Beyond Life and Death
Was this thing something out of the Lodge? It seemed to be significantly attached to Chad but I never understood why.
Day 7: Who is a good person that is hated by fans?
What was the True purpose of the woodsman? (Specifically in Part 8) in your opinion.
"Are you going to kill me?" "Yes Darya"
By far the most despicable Freak in twin peaks. Makes Leo look like Mr Rodgers by Comparison.
Day 2: Who is a morally grey character who is loved by fans?
Twin Peaks would be better if everyone was Chinese and it was filmed in China
Who were the mysterious headlights in Part 18?
Oh hell yes found myself a pristine copy of the Z to A box for a great price.