Vent: I was told again I’m affected by devil
Parent phone call is ruining my weekend
Teaching for the first time ever tomorrow!
Realising a lot of relations weren’t even consensual
I got cheated on for the first time and now I’m having memory issues
What are examples of "green flags" for teachers?
How to cope with feelings associated with less time with children?
Do you think that waiting until you are married for sex is a good idea? Why or why not?
I love my job
I'm so fed up
How to coparent : not date
Pencils are disposable and expire after 40 minutes
Students starting not to like me
How do you financially supplement your teaching career?
What is 30 years too old for?
Isolation as a Single Parent
I love my life as a divorced 30 year old single mom
Teachers of reddit, what is the craziest reason you have had to send a student to the office?
Kiddos are asking to “do things together” as a family, partner says no
Whats a food you hate that everyone else loves?
A child NEEDS both parents
[serious] For atheists, why don’t you believe in God?
(18) (F) so i have a 1 year old daughter; are guys willing to date someone with a child…?