My only sunflower to grow!
Spotted while on a hike
Any thoughts?
Antique Chair? - Any ideas on the origin?
What was the strangest behavior of someone close to you?
What games are you guys playing?
Favorite thing a patient said to you today?
What food does your culture eat too much of?
What’s your “the one the got away” story?
What is your ultimate ambition in life?
Your username is now a store. What do you sell?
What is the strangest sound you’ve heard on a baby monitor?
You can create an app for anything of your choosing. What app would you create and why?
What is the most unsettling interaction you’ve had with a stranger?
Has anyone read The Children's Home by Charles Lambert? I just finished it, and would really love more input to try and make sense of the thing.
What is the most remarkable accident you’ve ever done?
What hobby did you start as a joke but ended up being talented at?
Is right person, wrong time a real thing? If so, what was your experience with it?
Reddit. Choose a movie. Keep one actor. The rest are Muppets. What is the movie and which actor do you keep?
Fairly new to this, so here’s my attempt at a selfie :)
What’s the most awkward situation that you’ve been in where you had to play dumb? How did it turn out?
What album do you enjoy every song on?
What odor is most nostalgic to you and what does it remind you of?
What sound do you love?
What is something you’ve witnessed in a public space that left you shocked but nobody else seemed to react to?