This sub is so garbage
Mafs look-alikes... let's Goooooo!!!
Doom Eternal players, which demons do you exclusively reserve the Crucible for?
After the Dark Ages. Where would you like to take Doom Universe next in terms of prequels?
Getting stoned with friends tonight need funny ass movies
What’s a Movie that you thought would be way scarier than it actually was?
I don't understand how anyone fell for Dave, Paul and Adrian's act
What’s a movie nobody can convince you is good
Doom is awesome
Horror movie kills that have stuck with you for a long time.
Anyone else getting Michael Jackson vibes from Jaqui?
The Queen of Gaslighting
Clint and Lauren
Hot Take: MJ is probably going to get Gwen Stacy'd in Spider-Man 3.
Do people still play SW2
Spider-Man 2 controls
What genre is doom?
DAY 7 - Which episode of Family Guy do you think is best for beginners?
Doom TDA Prediction
Looking for movies with disgusting body horror
Movies where the sequel is better than the original
This morning I finally finished platinuming every single Spider-Man game
Married at first sight - S12E21 - AEDT live discussion
Catalyst in a nutshell
is it okay to skip Miles Morales and jump straight to spiderman 2?