How much is your Team support?
Reporting a hacker even if they're on my team
Average ranked match apparently im just bad
Let me See your Sweat Characters
Support tags
My teammates are proof you dont meed EXs to win 🤷🏽♂️
How do I stop getting one shotted in league?
Sabo makes S-snake difficult to play in this Meta
Worse game mode is back
How come only 1 of top 5 banned? Bandai needs to ban boosters and hackers game dying
Norwegian Irony
Does anyone else feel like this game fell off and is just boring now :/
When teammate try to lose but you still win
Tag battle teammates lose on purpose
Boosters in league
why won’t Bandai ban these losers
Boosters in league need ban
Another loser 🤬 / LIGHT PIRATES is the new IQ?
Tavern Brawl this week is... "All-Star Squad" (Oct. 2, 2024)
❗️Important announcement❗️