Have we all just accepted billionaires don’t have consequences?
What was your favorite ending to any Pokemon series? I think you can guess mine.
Quality of life
I refuse to accept the reality of it all.
This is a legit official memo from The White House.
Try to prove me wrong.
Shameful and humiliating
Good luck fighting this one with all the allies you've just lost.
Ash's RIVAL SERENA!?-What If Serena Was Ash's Rival Explained
What's your opinion on Liko?
Jesus Christ, the immense historical damage......
What game community is this?
Should alcohol be taxed by the city?
Posts like that are the reason i never got into ZK.
Ya, you did VOTE for this...
Spending bill passed and MAGA "hooted and hollered". Who's gonna tell her?
If Iris appears at XY....
The Cartoon Multiverse is real
Guy on r/republican complaining about trumps firing. He was quickly reminded that this is what he voted for.
Which game is this for you?
We are Overdue for a wildfire.
MAGA Christians hypocrisy.
Everything's going to be all-white, everyone
Bounty hunters
I ngl liked mallow better then Serena because I watched sun and moon first also anyone hate Lana as much as I do