British Woman calls US helpless
British Woman patronizes the US military
Takes half a decade to release a new book and she still gets these accusations smh
German mercenary and convicted terrorist opines on the state of the US
“We will not allow oppression by policing our speech… so we will police your speech to make sure we aren’t offended.”
"Why is Katniss's skin drawn differently?"
If you start "The Passion of The Christ" at 1:08pm, Jesus will die on the Cross at 3pm.
How do you feel about germanys election results?
Are Human Trials really coming this year?
Gonna have a son… struggling with the idea of circumcision…
Another popular Quoran refers to the US as 'vile'.
Are the human clinical trials real?
Why do they keep denying me?
Accidentally deleted veronaville… how do I get it back?
Damn Americans and their *check notes* sex-specific bathrooms!
If I’m going to be honest, ALL of our veterans deserve free healthcare for life!🇺🇸🇺🇸 Do you agree with ME? A. Yes B. No
IKEA Stuff can now be downloaded thanks to HugeLunatic!
Can I buy legacy collection and just get Ikea Home Stuff on oldgamesdownload
What's something you did in game as a kid that now as an adult you wouldn't?
WhitePeopleTwitter has just been banned for 72 hours, what’s your opinion?
Swedish know-it-all makes a false prophecy yet again
Trump’s Tariff Strategy
Cringe so hard it risks implosion
Quoran atheist makes up lies about Padre Pio.
Jokes on her...Sims 4 graphics are ugly IMO and haven't aged well!