Has anybody else noticed the amount of guys wearing crosses?
People who got a phd in physics and then shifted from academia to industry. What was it like? Was a phd worth it?
Am i biphobic?
Dress to impress look ideas?
Confused if my “straight” crush actually had feelings for me or was just playing me
What is one personality trait that you wish you could get rid of?
Is dating a bad idea for someone with my lifestyle?
How do I know if a guy is gay, so I can ask for his phone number or snap?
What’s your type? (Not looks)
Funny thing happened, I ate a bunch of chili peppers and later kissed my boyfriend and he actually felt it was spicy and needed milk 🙃 Fuck my life….
Bottoming not quite enjoyable
Guilt cuddling someone after a break-up
I wouldn’t class myself as gay because I wouldn’t date a guy but I can’t stop fantasising about getting fucked by a dom
Crush or friend?
Home town -> Big city
18M, could use someone to talk to or advice on the dating scene
Casual sex is just so difficult to me. Advice?
Do you ever get mini crush on straight male acquaintances.
If you fast for weight loss. How do stop your self from eating?
How do I curb my hunger
So apparently gay men are really good cooks so… what is the best dish your boyfriend made for you or vice versa
American Community Survey
Can’t form a crush
Hey there guys! What do you like on a top when you bottom?
Be honest, how many of you would hookup with your straight male friends if they were open to it?