Anyone Here Play Clash of Clans? Looking for War Strategies & Clan Members..
Never Enough
Is my cat’s hair loss normal? Not vaccinated yet could that be the cause?
Should I Vaccinate My Cat? Heard Some Kittens Died After Vaccination Myth or Truth?
Cat shedding hairs
My Experience at Islamia College. A Warning for Future Students
Why Is Everyone Always Talking About Relationships? (ft. guy who touched grass today)
Can I Apply for LUMS NOP in My Second Year?
Rainy Days in Peshawar! How's Everyone Holding Up?
Which Song is This?
What's happening in Ghauri town right now, Iam hearing some noises. Any upcoming events?
Peshawar Feels Different Lately… Or Is It Just Me?
What if humans are the most advanced species in the universe?
Can I Apply for LUMS NOP in Second Yea
i want to write a personal statement for nop LUMS scholorship in SDSB but i have no idea what LUMS expects in a personal statement. i would really appreciate any type of help possible. Also if taking help from chatgpt is allowed or not.