Hitting the Trynd jackpot
So, what happens when you combine these two items with tryndamere?
How I feel whenever a new champion is added to path
Lore accurate trynadmere power
Petition to give this the Dragon subtype
What structures do not burn in the ashlands?
I need to defeat nightmare fiddlesticks with one more ruinterra champion (already won once using fiddlesticks). which one is the best vs him? I tried evelynn and bard, but they are too slow to win vs him.
Cant believe I'm finally playing deep again
is this achievement bugged? I got 12 KO streak (5 of them were solo kills and I was playing quickplay vs real players) on hall of djalia, but it is still locked!
Feels like an eternity when it happens
With every update… comes new bugs
So this gave me a heart attack
How is this still a thing-
Amazingly oblivious spawn trapper doesn't realize his mistake
Kinda sad there is no reward for getting all badges diamond but it was fun
Ozempic Could Crush the Junk Food Industry. But It Is Fighting Back
Aaaaand they're gone....
I suck at headshots
I wonder what else you could throw on top?
Smoke grenades in none objective modes…
Objective Players….. Do They Exist?
Bloodthirsty’s Baseball Bat
Finally got featured on Best Play!!! 😤😤🔥
Spending the prestige token right!
Realest shi i've seen