Should i feel bad💀
My God she's so beautiful in this game
Another ridiculous clip with my friend
Are there actually people like this?
A very interesting interaction
Thoughts on Lidia so far?
What in the fuck......???
Account Submission under Review
What is the message you are trying to convey with your current project?
Regarding Evelin Miller
Was Cesar an alternate from the get-go or was he attacked by one while he was on the call?
What introduced you to the Soulcalibur series?
If Lady and Trish were playable, what would their playstyle be like?
Since I played the games recently, I wanted to make this video. Feel free to check it out
Some pics of Lara that I took in my last play (Xbox series X) (shadow of the tomb raider)
What do you think about the Tomb Raider origin trilogy? I personally love it but what about you?
I was bored and thought this, who wins?
For the people who have read the recent volume, what are your thoughts on Le Majeur??
corykenshin old outro x rip uncle phil mixed by kaps
Don't know if anyone has seen this, but Roger's acting seems a lot better than before
Was playing Sonic '06 and one of the NPCs exploded
Does anyone feel as if bayonetta 2 took its self way more seriously than 1?
Need some advice