cloning machine go brrr
they just chillin
boo 👻
Can the Mask Hide the Truth?
Every fps gaming squad got the:
Keep the change
Tired of having to explain this everytime someone gets into HL2
Posted this on the main sub and got downvoted now ik where my loyalty lies
as a sequel to the bald Xeno I posted previously, I decided to make bald Stanley to complete the duo. do I regret it? probably, yeah. it was the worst 15 minutes of my life
Genuinely Asking: Is there any reason to play HL1: Source and HL2: Update anymore? What do they have better than the default games?
press F in chat
why is youtupoop recommending lincoln parking when I listen to calf life music? are they stupid?
tired of having to explain this everytime bruh
galunga ballin'
Why did Valve cut away this voice line? Doesn't it imply that Breen knew the Resonance Cascade was gonna happen?
Why is G-man in Family Guy?
Hold on, someone said Opposing Force isn't canon
why are the physics in this game so lethal
this new arc so peak
For how much more longer should I cope?
Agent Tanya
I really hope its not true...
Gordon Hammam 😳😳😳