Worst Mistake Made
What the hell happened to Dana in the two final services in season 10?
Between these forgotten female titans, who would win?
Season 9: Jonathon...he was a complete fraud who couldn't cook at all and it's a mystery how he even got onto the show. Who agrees with me?
Ranking every "Final 3" from S1-8
Contestants that overstayed
What were the stupidest ways chefs were eliminated? I'll start with two.
Great or funny quotes coming from horrible chefs/people on the show
Thoughts on this black jacket brigade? Who would win?
Cannot stand him.
It still is insane to me that Barbie got as bullied as much as she did. She couldn't catch a break.
Season Rankings 1-23 (ranked based on personal preference -- subjective)
Round 2: What do these 4 have in common? (Easy/Mid difficulty)
How would you make an All-Stars 2?
Most second handed embarrassment moment on the show?
Who's your least favorite chef? I'll go first.
Hell’s Kitchen 3rd Place Finishers(S1-S23 Edition).
Which celebrity should dine in next?
What chef(s) just switched off and gave up at the end?
Hells Kitchen robberies that you genuinely don't care for
My take on Season 11 returning winners episode
What's a confessional which you thought was funny, yet feel is underrated
s16 ryan has been diagnosed with cancer
Hell’s Kitchen all stars