Why do couples post themselves on instagram?
Would it be weird for me (F27) to go away with friends and ex M28
Do I need a girlfriend or wife to be happy?
How is everyone's dating life going?
Men, are heavily tattooed women Crazy?
Why is he controlling and manipulating me?
Is it still common in islam for parents to set up their children on dates?
24 y/o male. Living alone
How to legally quit my job
Are women worthless?
Will a zombie apocalypse happen?
Wombat girl attempts to apologise again, but still deflects blame
I was a loser in high school. How do I not be one in college.
How do you enjoy being single?
It it weird for a 40 year old man to comment on my looks?
Why do people stay in relationships they don't like?
My boyfriend hit me for the first time what do I do?
Do I need a woman to be happy?
Do I need the product key for Word 2013?
If you have retro games, don't sell them to EB Games.
Do I need the product key for Office 2013?
Wouldn't having a partner help with the cost of living?
Is eating raw onion and garlic a turn off?
Is eating raw garlic and onion a turn off?