If they'd meet, what do you think they would say to each other?
This is how I imagine Alex while he's writing prompts for AI images
Cup trio but genderbend! <3
If the row of card suits was vertically instead of horizontal while playing as Miss Chalice, do you think that would make it easier or harder?
Pachinko art! :D
So... How exactly do they blink?
Question about the ending
Opinions on the new elimination method?
Tried drawing this version of Miss Chalice!
Silly concept that I made!
I find it funny how King Dice and The Devil didn't find the secret coin from Inkwell Hell considering how greedy they are about money
The most annoying achievement, it my opinion.
Wait, hold on...
"I want chicken, but also what chicken eats!" ahh pizza. 😭🙏
Idk, here's a drawing of Miyuji Shan.
Guys, I have a theory...
Do y'all have any favorite person who makes content about Cuphead?
Tried drawing miss Chalice wearing romanian traditional clothing.
Tried drawing a lil' bit of gore.
Osana as the Reddit logo, idk.
I am tripping or did King dice used to have a soul contract?
Tried macking Miss Chalice in GL2!