Was Spy vs Spy your favourite part to read in MAD Magazine?
Tell me what your favorite high energy artist, and why is it Andrew WK?
Walken messed up a name during the watch monologue
Curious about opinions of my people
Who’s the best and worst actor here ?
Do you guys consider 2014 to be culturally early 2010s or mid 2010s
Are you living to see the next day?
Is this true?
Vertical Uphill w/ .045 flux core. Once it clicked it became probably the easiest and most enjoyable weld I do.
Thoughts on Gary, IN?
Any good movies based on true events?
How many times/have you arc flashed yourself?
Xennials, what's y'all plan for retirement?
Happy St Paddy's! 🍀🍀🍀
Do you find it odd that Eddie Vedder, Chris Cornell, Kim Thayil, Matt Cameron and Courtney Love are considered Boomers?
PJ Watson calls Burr "America's Biggest Cuck"
For my 80s millennials
Songs about escaping
Girlfriend drew this last night. "Traffic tickkket"
Thoughts on this era?
Any of you tired of working?
Castleridge in Calgary Alberta
Honest opinion about these work boots.
UHF with the famous Weird Al Yakovic. Still one of my favorite.
People who have stopped going to church, what made you stop?
Are Canadian geese unfairly maligned?