i hate walt jr (flynn)
s1 e6
Probably my 10th time through the series... today this made me bawl like a baby.
Chuck ruined Jimmy
3 Funniest moments in Breaking Bad
Only 10/10 episode of all time
After finishing BCS, how much more impressed/unimpressed are you by Walter White?
For those who were around at the time, what was it like waiting nearly a whole full year after how 5-8 ended?
I kinda wish the final showdown was between Nacho and Lalo instead of Lalo and Gus.
Pick a number between 1-100 and I’ll give you a song to listen to
Brass Tax
Lalo’s intelligence
When Does Better Call Saul Get Good? Is It Worth the Wait?
When Stacey says "Matty"...🤮
There are weirdly a lot of food scenes in this show
BY FAR the most unrealistic occurence in the entire BB-BCS Universe...
Rhea Seehorn (Kim) is a phenomenal actress.
What is your favorite/least favorite scams from the show?
What is your favorite album track transition? That is, where one track transitions into another in a way so good you have to listen to them together.
What does that dream mean?
Recurring dream of rooms within rooms and ever expanding house.
Very surreal nap dream
AITA If my girlfriend (16F) is pressuring me to do cocaine and I (17M) don’t want to?
Were the Kettlemans....