50 more until 300 subs!
Tevesh/Thrasios or Rog/Thrasios
The Partner Episode
The road to 300 Subs!!!
Eldrazi in cedh!?
Proxy friendly cEDH league MPLS/St. Paul metro area??
Almost 200 subs already!
Just keep discarding! [cEDH] Gameplay
Can you believe that food chain does win games?
Making 5 billions foods just wasn’t enough.
How do you still have slivers left?
Turns out drawing cards is actually really good.
How much mana does he have?
We made a cEDH YouTube channel!
We made a Magic YouTube Channel!
We made a EDH YouTube channel!
Glarb cedh decks
Why Are Leonin So Swole? - cEDH Gameplay - Things in the Ice
What is casual any more?
my parents thought I was dying from how I screamed
A Series of Unfortunate Events