Swampfest 2025
Novels that do interesting things with form *other* than Joycean Stream of Consciousness and One Big-Ass Sentence
Books about sawmills and lumberjacks
Malcolm Lowry's Under The Volcano
February reads
Books narrated through the characters’ correspondence (emails, texts, forum posts, etc.)?
What is your favourite joke inside a book?
How do you guys plan out your reading?
What are your favourite short books (<200 pages ) ?
How can someone read the works of Nick Land and the CCRU to the "fullest"?
books similar to stoner?
Lit fic about AI?
Denis Johnson: The Laughing Monsters
Borges line that’s burned into my brain
Funniest book you've ever read
I know some of you must be writers
Charlie Rose interviews Harold Bloom About His Book "How To Read And Why", 7/11/00
Don't know what to feel anymore about this. Resigned, maybe?
Any Gaddis fans?
Arab Spring recommendations?
A book that feels like Disco Elysium
Short story fiction that truly struck you
Announcement: /r/RSBookClub will go private
any games that are copies of classic fallout? (no disco alsylum)
Are there any good books written out of feelings of mostly negative feelings?