Which Nikkes Made you download the Game?
What is Rei's lobby animation?
[Discussion] Magnum against Cultists
I have Frame drop when in Fullscreen and in borderless but not windowed. Help Please
Seriously? This is how my streak ends?
Where buy?
If you could ask a Nikke to go on a date with you who would you ask? I'll go first.
Should I MLB Rapi?
Wgen / Where do I learn about Rapi's backstory
Broken mag release on p320 m18
Arcane season 2 / Arc 3 - Episode 9 / Live Discussion
She's Crow-tier to me now
Does Red Ash spoil anything
Is the Old Tales spoiling any chapters?
When are new Nikke's added to normal rolls?
Can I add create to the modpack?
Day 13 of Drawing League Champs: Azir
Knock back where? Descension LULE
On hit changes suck
Having a leaver in arenas doesnt change anything
Nothing Gained or Lossed for playing match with leaver
Escape From Tarkov | Weekly Discussion | 24 Sep, 2022 - 01 Oct, 2022
Why the Backrooms will are not and will never be an SCP