I got the old porsche
Found Rex's walker that i built when I was a kid
Found all my old models
Saw this [1958 Bentley S1] on my drive home.
I finished the Tantive IV
Panzerkampfwagon IV ausf H
Type 95 Ha-Go
Iraqi Type 59 captured during operation desert storm by the 864th engineer battalion
Churchill Crocodile. trailers gone :(
Since worker drones have flat torsos while Cyn does not, does that mean when Cyn was skinning Tessa she also cut of her umm... ...well you know... ...her uhh... ...her things?
tell me whats off
After more than 70 years, only god (and maybe the dominican army mechanics) knows how the dominican army keeps our M41s operative
Quick question
I've made it better. 3 degrees of elevation. 55 degrees depression. I call it the anti soviet. (I have the high ground)