I had a vision last night. The prophecy will be fulfilled.
I am so sad
Good luck on your new venture! We'll all definitely miss you in the dark corner desk.
Obsessed with Martin’s reads on his IG story “I won’t burn I am fully hydrated”
I have a prerelease foil in a plastic pack. Does removing the plastic significantly hit the value? I got this card for $8 with another item on marketplace but haven’t seen cards like this before
Are there viable mono red commanders that have strategies beyond straight burn?
This this this is why I’m watching…
I gotta say... Keem (although he's terrible) is the creator of a lot of my favorite soundbites. "IN A BOOK HUH" "you want this Keemstar c*ck" "aCOUstic" etc.
So now fans are getting targeted?
"oh I hope his kids get taken away from him" lol.
top 5 snow strippers songs^_^
Stupid tweet
32 female , what can I do?
Twitch account seems to be unbanned now!
Id rather just watch someone play sanctuary on youtube
Olivia's new watch
I built a whole deck around spot removal.
Me when I skip Creator Clash and donate $35 directly to charity instead
This has to be some kind of prank
Saw this funny card and it got me thinking… 10 blue phyrexian mana is too much for me to play, but how low would it have to be dropped before you put it in your decks? I think I’d do 4…
Am I the only one thats mind blown that Gabe is related to John Turturro?
Drainer version?
What songs you guys think are like this ?