[Legend of the Northern Blade] Ain't no one gonna talk abt this panel??π
How does the team feel about 2003 RobStar? (IMO)
Attempt on "fixing" the story timeline
Showing the boy booty (im mostly Gay)
Enough Time has passed
[Sweet Home] you should read it
[Someone Stop Her] Anyone else kinda getting over MC being a constant wimp?
Whatβs your non agenda, unbiased and honest opinion on Deku?
What is a mha character you hate for a dumb reason only you get
Early omega ryuki was so cool, his aura loss needs to be studied π
[Meme] Name a MC who doesn't have any of these hairstyles (idk what to label this as so I chose meme)
Is soul eater worth watching?
3rd place Astroodragon art
Who fits this the most?
Raven vs Terra in the mud. No powers just hands. Who would win?
Which widely hated anime character would you defend no matter what?
[Please,Please] New Pornhwa Alert Everyone!!!
Who would win?
What anime character do you regret hating on
How the hell did Naruto get more broke as a hokage?
What is the exact moment a sorcerer understand they can perform DE?
Me realizing All Might used to be the strongest but all he did was punch really hard and move really fast:
Three to protect you while the other six try to end you 5.0
has starfire always taller than robin?