As one piece is coming back so what are your guesses about the 6.5 anni
How come only 1 of top 5 banned? Bandai needs to ban boosters and hackers game dying
I thought it was ironic but you guys actually hate him, huh?
I need yo help gang
It's over kuro, i have too many wives
Need pull advice!
Germa 66 meta?
What’s better for Garps medals? Def or Crit, obviously 70 health for his shield being based off 30% of his health but everytime he attacks he stacks 5% attack up to 75% so idk if attack would be good either thoughts?
New buffs
Made an alliance for those who are sick with no cheers alliances
Standing with the montelli family
Road 2 Gold
Goofy looking ahh Wise
Anyone else getting strong 4* Broadsword user vibes out of Marguerita
I can't even get to daimond...
Good time to invest for Yace?
If this guy doesn't get countered by the next ex, I feel like a lot of players including me will just quit, because this shit is not funny anymore.
Ex sabo concept
Lets goooooo......... On 9 February..........
Just wondering
Next EX is BB V2 for sure 🥸
Does this mean our first date in Rinascita is actually with Shorekeeper in the past?
To everyone in this sub.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
for the love of GOD i hope you garp players suffer