formula.grow is not calculating enough grow threads
Number error.
Thoughts on full automation speed runs (no exploits, cheats corporations or casino
Just in time :D
Bug with gang API
I'm finally learning code.
BitNode 10 is slow.
BitNode 8 Question.
Do you think this code works out the most money per threads used to hack a server?
Fixing latency drift to help with Synchronizing.
So excited!
Map Company name to their Server Name and Stock Symbol.
I don't understand mockserver() nor find any good information.
On to the next challenge!
Finding the quickest path to a desired reputation goal for a faction
Proud of myself.
Augments list in a different format.
Another Proud moment. Auto server prep and max h/w/g on a server.
Calculating profit of server.
Why isn't my script auto nuking the servers when i run it?
question on arrays
All Secrets for the new DLC unlocked (MAJOR spoilers)
Ode to Castlevania Boss Locations [SPOILERS]
Got stuck outside the map.
Why no island maps