This is fun
Finishing up space time need 2 cards
I’m deleting this game today
Trying to complete space time with a few.trades
F2P mythical expansion
AIO for not quitting the gym because my boyfriend told me to
80 packs opened and not a single Arceus ex, it’s incredible
Why are people like this?
Events and it’s worth
Is no crown cards/movie cards in 738 cards expected?
first god pack, woo!!
My BF's Work Bully - FINALE
How do you report people's names?
Can I just rant for a second?
This is a joke right? Only envelopes?! At least it is the 1000 gems at the end
This used to be a game to play while on a commute and now is a full time job
Anybody else feel Water Type is absurdly busted?
I can't stand how many events there are now
This took WAYYYY too long
New “monthly” event
10 McDonald's x Pokémon Codes
Wtf is that reward.. lvl2 piggy at the end?! 🤢🤮
How did everyone guarantee 4 Diamond packs go? These were mine.