Nanny wants to be paid under the table
What's a job you wouldnt take even if it paid 500k a year?
Video gamer dad here. My wife thinks video games kill brain cells and is taking a stand on not allowing our son to play video games. 99% of the time, we are in agreement with things. But sometimes a dad must put his foot down.
My ferret hates me
What's the prettiest name you have ever Heard?
U.S : Calls for AOC to Primary Schumer Mount After 'Gutless' Surrender | "Schumer should step down from Democratic leadership—or be forced out—and let someone actually willing to fight Trump and Musk take his place."
Calls for AOC to Primary Schumer Mount After 'Gutless' Surrender | "Schumer should step down from Democratic leadership—or be forced out—and let someone actually willing to fight Trump and Musk take his place."
How do y’all feel about Mark Kelly running for POTUS in 2028?
People who had a 'one-night stand' that turned into an actual nightmare—what happened?
Dollar General warns low-income Americans’ finances are getting worse
Any dads out there scared for their kids’ future?
‘Deep sense of outrage and betrayal’: House Democrats react to Schumer announcement
Something to cry about
how many is too many??
Trump is actively tanking the economy. Why aren't Republicans stopping him?
What movie changes the most if a word in the title is replaced with “dick”?
Walz: ‘We wouldn’t be in this mess if we had won the election’
My mom at 21 in 1970 and me at 21 in 1995
What’s a ‘must-watch’ movie that you’ve somehow never seen?
What’s the most money you’ve made in a year and how?
How do you keep your cool when nothing soothes your colicky baby?
People who know a porn star personally, what's that like?
I always loose in a fight because I can't remember shit :/
The U.S. Just Handed Ukraine a Clear Advantage
Why is he so… large🤣