What’s the reason for the breakout in the S&P 500 today??
People who have stopped going to church, what made you stop?
If you recognize this, you're s Certified OG
Are you trading without looking at Price Action?
Was blushing like a dumb ass when a girl stared at me
Anyone regret trading
From complex to simple.
Maturing is realising that Chatur really won. Bro got a goth wife, 3.5M worth Bungalow Heated swimming pool, Maple wood flooring living room, New Lamborghini 6496 CC shsssssssss very fast
this is a question for all girls from a boy(17M)
What are your goals for trading?
Which song made you cry
Men of reddit. What makes a woman creepy?
Actual Profitable mentors
Me and my family are going through a real life nughtmare involving my 6 year old sibling brother
I think the highest level a Beatle reached as a songwriter was John Lennon in 1966-1967.
How on earth do people hate "Boys"??
How religious are you guys?
I wish I knew this
I made in total 1 dollar
Boys are also not safe in holi
Anyone else's parents actually discourage them from studying?
Paul McCartney wearing the unused fish mask during the filming of I Am The Walrus for the Magical Mystery Tour film.
TW: Got molested by a trans person
I am fed up of this man.
What lyrics to a song are immediately identifiable by only a few words?