If the world had an ending scene, what song would be playing in the background?
What’s a conspiracy theory you’ve heard that seems way more believable the more you look into it?
What is something you love, but can’t let anyone you know find out about?
What would be the best afterlife scenario for you?
What was your last google search?
Europeans, what is the first thing you think of at the mention of the word “America”?
What’s a super specific red flag that instantly makes you not trust someone?
I’ve never seen him look so bad
People who have travelled the world, what’s a famous “bucket list activity” that is actually extremely overrated?
What stopped you from ending your life?
Ahoyt; Before and After
Temos todos o mesmo fim, independentemente do que façamos. Como lidam com isto?
Here comes the tri annual gambling trip
Sobre o Gameback
This guy Based😭😭😭 so unhinged
Would Josh starting to go live on Kick make enough money to fuel his addictions?
Josh is live with Mr Based right now FYI
Looking rough
Who really wrote Roaring Thunder?
What is the worst feeling that isn’t actually painful?
Is there a more worldoftshirts sentence than this?
Gamebox Transmissivel?
Let us reform the Germany Flag to the pan flag from 1500 to 2000
30 Questions HIMYM Knowledge Quiz