Revitalizing neglected sauna - is this rust a concern?
How did you get over that fear of working on your car for the first time?
The Project That Never Ends
Converted playhouse
Sauna design , does this work?
Hole in my roof, should I go through insurance or pay out of pocket?
Bro needs to chill lol
A proper bodge job 👌
Putting a sauna in a basement, okay to passively vent straight to window?
Sunday detox
Do you piss in the shower?
Side wall bench layout vs. L-shape benches
Suggestions for sauna
What is this red hose under my kitchen sink?
Hired a design agency to create some logos for a moving company with the name “Lift”. I haven’t been too excited with the concepts. What do y’all think about the concepts? Any ones I should give a second look at?
What else should I put in here?
New Home Build
Mikä ryhdissäni on vikana? [Kaipaan neuvoja miten korjata ryhtini.[Kuvallinen postaus]]
Cycling when severely overweight
Finnish male names
My custom built sauna
Did I Kill My Dad?
Simple jig for perfect nail lines
Thoughts on wiring?
AIO: My roomate secretly set up a camera in our common area without telling anyone