If Wolfenstein was made into a live-action movie who would you cast as Set Roth
What’s your favorite weapon across the whole series?
Who’s your favorite/go-to companion in the whole series?
If Wolfenstein was made into a live-action movie who would you cast as Blazkowicz
Is it possible to play New Vegas dlcs on the ps5 in some way?
This perfectly sums it up
i think ive just found a new flair code or whatever tf its called
Y’all From Today, I’m a Ramsey Fan
Hear my out, walt
Got my first comics and are excited to get more in the future!
Playing wolfenstein for first time any tips?
Found this in r/powerscaling and i can’t stop laughing
i just started a new game, i dont remember this guy? who is he? i might just have forgotten idk
Kratos gathered the Dragon Balls. What is he wishing for?
Looking for some Bun merch, especially keychains, someone has a good link?
Artworks recap 2023-2024😄
So far, who is your all time favorite partner? I’ll start.
[wolfenstein : the old blood] peak gaming right here 🙏
Wait, what? (Sailor moon/dandadan)
Retired my ID after 17 years.
Guess who my favourite travelling companion is? Wrong answers only
Guess the Trailer 2 Release Date Contest
What did you like the most about The New Colossus?