how can i do this weekly, i didnt know that they wont reset if i didnt finish all the quest
Berkanan’s stats for anyone curious
AFK farming while binge watching the T9 anime. One run takes arround 3 minutes. Took until the end of Episode 8 to get a single card drop 💀.
Damn 2 times max pity and now 60 pull on kazuki
1.160.000 crit damage improper enoki build with senju EX ssr card
Guess what I did for last two days?
Ever since the gacha update, Ive only ever had cracked pulls lol i love this game.
with the new tension system senju tension card gonna be the strongest attack buffer card (glad i have it)
Isn't Mydei's signature lightcone like, extremely good for Blade?
How do I make Yo heal more.
From 🗿 to 💀 real quick
I hate this boss with a passion...
No Info for next character banner ?
Yoo i got gold costume from the cardboard.. do you know the rate for getting these guys ?
Wow 40 to 50 is harder than 1-40.
i hate this game 🥲
Is Q the worst tank?
Kazuki upgrade materials ?
Fighting Solitaire as melee or ranged is two completely different experiences
So much pain Ft Solitaire
I guess I am irl Miu
Q and Yo skills break comparison only
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, seeing all these posts of such good RNG. Meanwhile, my unlucky ass is full pity almost every time...
Least favorite boss in the game
Best place farming trash can ?, need to craft bandage