Master's in Legal Studies...For Free?
What’s the hardest class you’ve taken in law school?
Defend New Orleans
What kind of laws does BAR test for?
Half way done with 3L selfie!
New Design of the TRNC Passport
Any NFL players here?
How competent is your schools admin?
ICE arrested an LRP who led Columbia protests, saying they were "revoking his green card"
Did your relationship with a USC matter for nonimmigrant purposes?
Professor wants us to be snitches
I have been in school for eight hundred and two years.
Do Bahraini share any culture and dress with Hormozgan peoples of iran
This my current passport collection as of right now!!!
3L here ~ Are we supposed to have internships?
Do American degrees matter in China
Torts question
When do congressional inquiries matter
What does your country’s media narrative say about US foreign policy
What does Chinese media say about the west?
How do BL jobs verify grades
Looks like USCIS has a new social media manager.
where have I just landed ?
Got my first citation —SO HAPPY