Foreigner living in Lithuania. Spent 3 months sampling 129 different sūreliai - AMA
Estonian Flag
Gal kas sekat Vokietijos rinkimus, kokia partija turi laimėti kad Europai ir Ukrainai būtų geriau?
Lithuania does not take sides on Greenland issue – FM
The 1st Division of the Lithuanian Armed Forces is restored. The same one that was created during the time of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, later acted in the interwar period and today starts its way in the modern Lithuanian army.
Vilnius - Riga - Tallinn train launched
The Estonian national airline "Nordic Aviation Group", which works with the brands "Nordica" and "XFly" will submit bankruptcy, estonia to be left with not a single airline once again.
Dear Italians, Greeks, and other European citizens. If you want really complicated speed rules, visit Poland. Good luck.
Debatų Bingo
Change of minumum monthly (gross) wage in Lithuania since 1995
German Federal Police caugt 32 year old Lithuanien on a freight train...
Let's confuse everyone even more
Ar įmanoma Lietuvoje turėti normalią kairę?
Very different salary ranges for the same position in Swedbank
What does "Laboj" mean?
Lithuania is the Second Most Unequal Society in the EU, Latvia is third.
Travelling Baltic States
kiek laiko trunka jūsų kelionė į darbą ir atgal?
Hey guys, I am doing some political research regarding Baltic States
Shoutout to the most irrelevant countries on earth. No history, no media export, no large international companies, no interesting statistics or politics, no nothing.
Lithuanian parliament election newest poll
Conscription is resurging across Europe. Is that a good thing?
Whats your opinion on the Rail Baltica project?
Regarding citizenship
Why diesel prices are the same in all Estonia?