Goodwin basically turned into Rui the days he’s been out 😭
Sad Reality 😞
Legality of Homosexuality Worldwide in 2022
Breaking Bad is basically a slow-burn horror story disguised as a crime drama
Koloko was disappointing 😕
Walt's treatment of Jesse throughout the series is my main gripe with the show.
Dallas bout to throw a parade
This painting I saw at a local coffee shop
Happy 3:16 Day! 🔥
Season 4 really needed this man.
500 meters sculpted ice sledge in harbin
Aaron Paul’s acting
Get this man some more MINUTES!
Despite the tough loss, Charmander and Charmeleon combined for 69 points.
I fucking hate Jamal Murray
Would you visit this restaurant
The lakers will be alright
Rate my Study Room(got a personal room after 18 yrs)
Ass vs butt
Christian Koloko time!
Outjerked by r/nextfuckinglevel
Incredible dunks from high schoolers
happy holi from ours to yours
What yall think??