What is the best neighborhood in Ft. Lauderdale?
Most women think they want, and would respond well to, a man who "expresses his emotions." But they often only picture expressions of love, passion, empathy, or sadness.
Let’s settle this argument: best brunch spot in town
Lost Key Chain in Victoria Park
Want to Hire a Video Editor from another Country
How do you feel when you’re listening?
It's fascinating and puzzling to see that people can be so strong in some areas of their life and so weak or paralyzed in others especially in relationships.
Best vegetarian dish in town?
Somewhere to find aerial photography of the canals off Las Olas?
Local Journal/ Magazine Publications
Noticed all the planes tonight landing at FTL flying in from the east and not west like usual. Any reason why?
I FINALLY did it. I quit my 9-5.
I’m dating an Entrepreneur Support group
Lyricist seeking collaborators
Any 30 something female want to go out?
How do you find your own essence?
AIO to this text my BF sent me?
How do you know your dream?
Drone Pilot Looking to Build Portfolio
4th House Capricorn chart holders - how was your childhood?
Any spiritual/Kundalini community / yoga studios / centers. New to area looking to network, work, and make friends.
Best and safest walking routes in Flagler village
Ft. Lauderdale Biz owners - let’s network!
Mean people don’t understand kind people
Best Facial in Broward / Ft. Lauderdale ?