The company is pretty stupid.
A terrifying moment from Michael.
Terry vs The phantasm.
What would have happened if Al Neri had married Connie?
Interactions between Michael & Mike
Prison Break intelligence (well, IQ) tier list.
What would you do if you were Dr. Sara Tancredi?
Should Michael have had Roland treated better?
Did the constant belittling, bullying and general emasculation have anything to do with Roland's betrayal?
Did they weaken Spike in the series?
The last night that Buffy and Spike were together
Terry vs Kyodai Ken.
What is the best and worst season?
Final Break full of references to the series.
"I caught an elbow playing basketball"
He deserves his revenge.
Which ending do you prefer?
First time watching.. what the fuck 😀
Why did Carlo mistreat Connie?
Is Sara as smart as Mahone?
If Holly Valance had been Sara instead of Sarah Wayne Callies, would anything have changed about the character or the story?
Terry without the suit vs. Killer Croc.
Who has the best character development?
Alex Mahone in season 5
Wade Williams is an underrated actor and the best actor of the first season.