How would I put #AA9875 color into the skin tone changer?
Moon lord vanity set!
Rate my drip that i made a few days ago. :>
Trapped my npcs in a portal loop lol
What class do you usually play?
What do I do???
Rate my Oasis map :3
What's yalls most luckiest moment in SolsRNG?
So ermmm I got banned
What's yalls opinions on the new rods?
I need some advice of how to get luck :>
What's your best Aura?
Random picture I took while in SolsRNG lol
This maniac wants to fight you, what will you do?!
Give me your coolest screenshots
Your main creature l’ll let you in
If my avatar would date yours or not
Show me your avatar, and I shall give them a mentally illness (or multiple, and if I'm feeling generous, all of them.)
Tell me your main/favourite creature
I’ll tell you how WELL your AVATAR handles Fire-Arms
Rating how well I think you'd survive in Nevada based on your avatar!! ♡ (on a scale of 1-10)
Show me your avatar and I’ll give it an anime voiceclaim
Would she let you into the manor
Would Elijah "Hammerfist" Johnson Fight You Based On Your Avatars.