Should I consider jumping ship?
My favorite planet sucks now
Poor Bonus
My room as a 14 year old
Procore Renewal
Today In Lower Manhattan
Expedition 17 Warning – Turn Off PvP! (PSA)
How did they convince so many construction workers that unions suck
As an American, how do you feel about your future?
When did it become acceptable to dump out the most incomplete sets of project documents and string your subcontractors along for months on end repricing incrementally less bad documents?
Learn Bluebeam Revu?
Do you guys prefer first or third person?
Leaving the Industry for Tech?
Whats the most affordable takeoff and estimating software?
If someone grabbed you out of your chair right now and said you have to give a one hour speech on any topic of your choice as long as it was informative and they would pay you $10,000, what would your speech be about?
Anyone else hope their kid doesn't have kids?
Hey. What ship are you flying in THIS WEEK? January 13-19 2025, which of your ships have you spent the most time in?
Finally got my ship to S-Class!
GC Estimating Software - We Switched and Regret It
Budget "bids" - thoughts?
Teenage sleepovers
Do I need to do anything else while I wait for a professional to arrive?
What are 3 genres you could never get into?
Any career recommendations for making over 100k?
Behold, my mould!