Beleidigung 3 Monate nach Übergabe durch Vermieter
What ages a person REALLY quickly ?
I adopted him as a senior four years ago. He passed last night. I’m so torn up.
If you could ask your dog one question…
Alone Together Club
Got a new Job! but this time I'm medicated. Now when I come home, I'm now a empty shell of a human?
Is there anyone here that can just close their eyes and sleep really fast? Anyone?
What is the most ADHD thing you’ve done?
What are the best ways to spend some days in LA?
Help identifying this mass on my dog (4yr 11m)
Update: Our boy got his wings today
Moving out: Do I take my dog?
Dog suddenly won't walk
I went through a weird experience today with an apartment rental office today. Is this usual/common here?