[META] r/skeptic is trending away from its intended purpose
Another stupid bay area driver with main character syndrome. She didn't even try to slow down or look to her right before zooming out of the parking lot. [OC]
Another stupid bay area driver with main character syndrome. She didn't even try to slow down or look to her right before zooming out of the parking lot.
[Highlight] All angles and replays of Haliburtons INSANE game winner + foul over Giannis
Was Willie Mays’ catch in the 1954 World Series really the greatest catch in baseball history?
[Desktop Web] Achievements notifications setting does not work
Ex-KNBR hosts launch new podcast network to compete directly with old station [Tom Tolbert, John Lund, Paul McCaffrey]
Just A Little Corned Beef on Rye
Why don't people use slice as much
Oral sex is now the leading risk factor for throat cancer (oncovirus: HPV)
An ode to this sub
A turkey sandwich with stuff on it
Fellow men, is it common to get hairier?
Do I have an illegal serve?
What's the angriest you've ever been when watching a Warriors game?
Remove Google
God gave you that grain allergy but doesn’t understand why you can’t eat bread
[Highlight] Unnecessary roughness called on Trent McDuffie
Is it considered bad form to call a foot fault on someone in a friendly game?
Suggest me a book to beat turning 50 anxiety.
MEN'S HEALTH UK Weighted Walking Found to Increase Energy Burn by Over 40%
"Why the Warriors can be champs again" - The Athletic on November 7, 2024
its time.
I actually disagree with Milton Friedman's claim that you can't have open borders and a welfare state
Immigrants vs out sourcing