Would Minox work on your back?
10 months in,keep it?
Need help on Merge Kingdoms lv 461
Had 3 Banks Closed During COVID That Used Early Warning Systems
How long can AirPods last in a sauna?
NoVig offers a free $5 once you sign up. Better odds than Fliff
NoVig offers a free $5 once you sign up. Sweepstakes format like Fliff with way better odds
Orbs Shapeshifting into Human Looking Aircraft: Post the Best Video You’ve Seen
Woah! Drone Incursions Closed Wright Patterson Air Force Base’s Airspace Friday Night!
Can we make a drone update megathread with all the drone situation going on right now?
Why the WMD sniffing theory makes no sense: these are likely non human tech built in the ocean
Drone Disables Drone?
Try to fly a drone over a restricted military area right now and you'll be instantly arrested and investigated, that's how you know they are lying.
Why the WMD sniffing theory makes no sense: these drones and orbs are built in the ocean
If you really think it may be UAP, why would they be only over the US?
Re: Prediction of possible loose dirty bomb they are looking for
Dirty Bomb Theory
(M26>27) (5’11, 195ib>180ib>205ib) 18 months progress.
Question about Squatting/Deadlifting & Back Pain