Does Logan ever give anyone else coked up energy?
Thoughts on Javier's Bisexualiy?
Mrs Kim
What were moments when you felt Lorelai overstepped her bounds?
In your opinion, would you classify Rory as a “mean girl”?
Thoughts on young Lorelai?
Can we stop pushing away a male audience?
Hi, newbie here, who are the most hated characters in this sub?
Why do players overwhelmingly take Clementine to Crawford?
I don’t think ppl will agree with me, but…
Be sexist to your fans and then trauma dump cuz of reaction to it
Beabadoobee defender till I die
This fandom is weird
unpopular opinion (except it’s actually unpopular so pls don’t downvote me for this.)
Bullying a 16 year old for breaking up with his girlfriend?
A “mean” boyfriend is not a flex.
Ice cold take
Why does serena have beef with her mom so badly
The show gets annoying after season 5
My friend thinks I am weird because I, a hetero cis male loves Gilmore Girls.
What GG opinion are you defending like this?
what traits (in your opinion) made bojack a bad person?
I genuinely cannot stand this dude, he’s a self-absorbed ass with no redeeming features
What‘s your favorite Rory Gilmore Outfit?
Who is a TWDG character you immensely hate?