Of all the possible new guard dog drones, which one would you want the most?
If i were to buy multiple of one small set to see what I could make, what set would be best?
Double support weapon backpack? What two big guns you carrying?
Want to do an experiment and see what I can build with multiple of the same smaller set, what set should I get?
Give me your 'screw the meta' loadouts
What two big guns you taking?
Sentrys should have laser sights on them so we know when they're pointed at us easier
Unflinching should be buffed with somthing like 10% less damage from all sources or 30% less damage from projectiles. It's currently worst passive
Guys what if we're thinking about this wrong. We don't need to stop the black hole WE NEED TO MOVE SUPER EARTH OUT OF THE WAY
I think that is the reason why Heavy Armor feels so underwhelming.
Resupply rover booster idea! Anyone else want a robot freind bringing them supplies?
Finally finished my Gemma cosplay! That crazy wig took me 2 full weeks!
Golf ball chaos
My main outfit - Yay or Nay?
Buff this to all sentries
Why don't we just shoot at the black hole until it goes away?
Resupply rover booster idea!
Assassins creed super fan here
Glitch gave Jin a buzzcut LMAO
One of the best looking armor sets in the game imo, Field Chemist
Militech armor and weapons from Cyberpunk 2077 might fit well in Helldivers 2
Werner and Rove my beloved
When we enter oil well basin i so thought radobaan was gunna show up
Please don't buff him
Would very much enjoy more recolors of the default armor. More dessert tan! More camos!