Cual es el consenso acá sobre Nolan?
My Bully hoodie just came in today
People who’s own the Dry Bag, what are you’re thoughts on it?
New look at the YZY drop
Original sin is awesome
How the new Yzy Gosha pieces will fit
Tener Iphone no te da "estatus".
Is this a good buy for Zip Up Hoodie
Black Dove Long Sleeve - OG vs LAA Depop
i’m loving the second skin
I’m sorry y’all are gonna hate me for this one. This doesn’t even feel real
Sateeeen XS!
How to fix these lines
Que wea está pasando con los capibaras?
I found a good solution to any sweatpants being too long(Yeezy Gap Mainline Heavyweight wide leg X YGBB ) No more heel bite and I think it looks good like the shrunken hoodie cuffs.
Who got me beat?
Is it illegal to mix Balenciaga and Vetements?
Paris saint
How to fix these print lines
SAP Job Stopper
Anyone regret tattoo removal journey?
Tipping at raves ( am I the asshole)
Floral omamori by @iryn_dark at Tattoo Cluster in Berlin
Am i crazy for getting my hand done?
Done by Eszter David(me), Sang Bleu tattoo, London Uk