Great episode but couldn’t the cop just run the license plate and see who the Scofflaw was?
What is your favorite line from seinfeld mine is "STELLAAAAAA!!!!"
[US] IS a scam?
Do we think the producers purposely gave Eliane much less attractive significant others compared to the guys?
$zachzradicka will boost back immediately
boost 4 boost $Brodie876
Hanging out last night
My collection of films filmed and/or set in Buffalo
Someone heard a noise outside
Need Supplies for Elderly Mom and Cats
Sisters Meko and Taki
My son's birthday
My two girls are liking the new perches. Had them about a week and they are super secure.
Best local places for graphic novels?
Unpopular Opinion: Shotguns still smack hard
2/26/25 Day of Action
My wife got scammed. Scammed bad.
I have 3 boost left will boost back right after Thaddious-Harrington
B4B 3 left
B4b have all 4
Hows it feel to be American these days?
is this a scam
Most unlikely friendship that happened in the show?
Windchill in Buffalo at the time was -5 degrees but they scratched at the window until I opened it.