Do British homes have junk drawers?
What is it called when your child can go school in their own clothes?
What's a joke that is not funny but everyone keeps repeating it?
AITA for getting a staff member when people were using part of the facility we reserved.
What activity is deemed relatively easy that you struggle to do ?
AITA for suggesting my step-daughter is overreacting over her milk?
AITA for not wanting to attend shows with my friends because they will only pay for the cheap seats?
AITA for calling my sister fat?
AITA for returning my gf’s gift to buy stuff for my apartment?
In search of Mintzos….no “brown people” allowed to help
AITA for having a non-alcoholic wedding?
AITA for expecting my friend to pay to get my car professionally cleaned?
AITA for leaving before my sister's wedding ceremony started and leaving someone else in charge of my responsability?
AITA for picking the same name for my baby as my BIL's unborn baby?
AITA for refusing to get a tattoo of my late niece?
What sucks about being female?
AITA for refusing to let a stranger change my child?
AITA for being upset that my MIL got my daughters ears pierced?
AITA for not giving my landlord parents the lock code?
AITA For not exempting my daughter from our “No wifi” rule when she claims she needs the internet for homework?
WIBTA for showing my husband pictures of how poorly he cleans?
AITA for firing my nanny/housekeeper after she slut shamed my daughter?
AITA for giving away half of my prize money to my sister?
AITA for saying "that ain't fucking happening" when MIL asked to move on our property?
AITA for telling my sister there is nothing that would ever make me ask her to be my bridesmaid?