Can anyone trade? 1:1
Let’s trade!!!! 🤩⭐️
Trades pleaseeee 🤩
Trades ? 🤩🤩
Two trades left today! 🤩
Trades? 🤩
Trades? 🙏
How was everyone’s purple pack
Trades anyone?
Can anyone help me out? 🤩
Trades? Priority to completing a set
Looking for whodunnit?!
Trades? I’d like to finish 2,5 and 7
Looking for whodunnit? 🌟
Looking for on a mission 🌟
Looking for on a mission and whodunnit
Looking for vs have.
Have vs need ⭐️
Gold locked. Show proof you need it.
Gold locked, opened my 700 vault during sticker boom and received 0 new stickers. So giving away what I have left! Show proof you need it/completes a set.