modern feminism annoys me so much
You are a loser if you pay for only fans content
Hey, for 40 mil, you can call me whatever you want
Outjerked by Reality
How are you deaf AND racist ? Pick a struggle smh
The world is so backwards when it comes to racism and gay people and stuff like that.
I am racist
Editing photos
Can mixed (black+other) people say the n word?
im 17F and im an indian, ask me anything you want!!
28m 5'7 i know i am average height ( indian) but how do i look? I think i look below average. And how can i improve my personality?
what is wrong with stragiht white males. (under the condition they are perfeclty normal and kind people(
Only terminally online redditors care about the word female
I think all women think they should date a hot guy, and shame less attractive men for being ugly.
how did Aisha and Sophie get popular
They’re lying to cater to ped0s
NN + skincare
I swear they are not as hot as everyone thinks
i lowkey feel like the bop house members are trying to look younger to attract men
just argued with a p0rn addict who said adriana lima was uglier then sophie rain. these onlyfans girls make me boil
Uploading old photos? This is hella weird
do people genuinely find sophie raine attractive?
Got called thick in class??💀
How to stop vulnerable sister going to Nigeria?
Hey speed i am 9 years old and love from India