LF offers
793308679963 zekrom on me two people here to raid
793308679963 zekrom on me two here to raid
Have: below Looking for Offers!
Looking for Raikou to finish dex offering other legendaries
Hoopa on me three people on site to raid 793308679963
Hoopa on me three on site to raid 793308679963
More shiny trading!
Looking for raikou Offering legendaries, can do shiny for shiny
My last dialga I can do today on me three on site!! 793308679963
Two Dialga back to back on me three on site!! 793308679963
Offering dynomax articunos x8 looking for offers
Dialga on me 793308679963 can do two
Dialga on me 793308679963
Deoxys on me rural player needing help😅🥲 793308679963